The Hunter Lounge i Wellington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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New ZealandThe Hunter Lounge



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1, Kelburn Parade, 6012, Wellington, NZ New Zealand
kontakter telefon: +64 4-463 4712 ext. 2
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Latitude: -41.2885876, Longitude: 174.7696334

kommentar 5

  • Joshua Anderson

    Joshua Anderson


    Decent venue for events. limited space for wheelchair users during live events however tables are fine during normal operating hours.

  • Grace Grimwood

    Grace Grimwood


    A bit pricey, and staff can be a bit rude sometimes if there's an event or something that they need to clear space for. Still great if you're craving curly fries and milkshakes though.

  • Kendra Vixie

    Kendra Vixie


    Fridays around 6 pm have been spotty at best. Sometimes we order and they want us out the door 10 minites after a food arrives despite it being their most popular day. They've run out of pizza, they've run out of drinks, they're closing early, they're closed now on their online ordering... it'd be really great if they had some consistency.

  • Jessanah Betham

    Jessanah Betham


    We had my sister's 21st birthday here a couple of weekends ago. It's difficult enough to find a venue in Wellington to cater to 150+ guests, let alone trying to find one that is aesthetically pleasing and culturally sensitive. The Hunter Lounge was all of that and more. Family and friends that helped with set-up and pack-down remarked on the flexibility of the room and ease of communication with the staff - nothing was too hard. Many also commented on the exceptional service the night of the event. Everyone was treated with respect and dignity and we appreciated that very much. Tim, your team is a testament to your leadership! Thanks for having us, we've already recommended to friends and family.

  • en

    Janet George


    We used the Hunter Lounge as a conference venue. It became the hub of the conference as it was the meeting place for poster viewing, social sessions and general networking. The staff there were fantastic and nothing was too much trouble. Good Chemistry did the catering for us there during the social and poster sessions and their gourmet pizzas were a great hit. It was very convenient have the bar available in the Hunter Lounge for refreshments.

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